Made known his salvation - He has delivered his people in such a way as to show that it was supernatural, and that their confidence in the unseen God was not in vain.
The Lord hath made known his salvation - See the notes at Isaiah 52:10. This does not mean that he had merely “proclaimed” his salvation, or his willingness to save, but that he had shown his salvation - his power to save - by some public act. What the particular act referred to here was, it is impossible now to ascertain. Such acts, however, have been often performed, as when he delivered his people out of Egypt; when he restored the Hebrews from the Babylonian captivity; and whenever he interposed in their behalf in times of danger. He has done it also in the gift of a Saviour; he does it in every revival of true religion; he does it in the salvation of a single sinner.
His righteousness - His righteous character; his faithfulness to his people. Whenever he interposes, it is in behalf of that which is right; and such interposition, therefore, is an illustration of his character as just. It is in this way we learn that his character is that of a just God.
Hath he openly showed - Margin, as in Hebrew, “revealed.” He has disclosed it, or made it manifest.
In the sight of the heathen - The nations; or, so that the nations could see it: that is, the nations outside of Pa estine. His acts were so public - so remarkable - that surrounding nations could learn what was his true character. Thus it was when he delivered his people from Egyptian bondage; and thus also frequently in the history of his people.