Where is their God? - Show where thou art by rising up for our redemption, and the infliction of deserved punishment upon our enemies.
Wherefore should the heathen say Where is their God? - The nations. Why should such a course of forbearance toward them be pursued as to lead them to ask the question whether God is able to punish them, or to come to the conclusion that he is not the God of those who profess to worship him. See Psalm 42:3, note; Psalm 42:10, note.
Let him be known among the heathen - Let him so manifest himself among them that they cannot but see that he is God; that he is a just God; that he is the Friend and Protector of his people.
In our sight - So that we may see it; or, so that it may be seen that he is our Friend and Protector.
By the revenging of the blood of thy servants which is shed - Margin, vengeance. The true idea is, “Let the avenging of the blood of thy servants - the blood poured out, or shed, be known among the nations in our sight.” The prayer is that God would so interpose that there could be no doubt that it was on account of the blood of his people which had been shed by their enemies. It is a prayer that just punishment might be executed - a prayer which may be offered at anytime.