His name shall endure for ever - Hitherto this has been literally fulfilled. Solomon is celebrated in the east and in the west, in the north and in the south; his writings still remain, and are received, both by Jews and by Gentiles, as a revelation from God; and it is not likely that the name of the author shall ever perish out of the records of the world.
All nations shall call him blessed - Because of the extraordinary manner in which he was favored by the Most High. I well know that all these things are thought to belong properly to Jesus Christ; and, in reference to him, they are all true, and ten thousand times more than these. But I believe they are all properly applicable to Solomon: and it is the business of the commentator to find out the literal sense, and historical fact, and not seek for allegories and mysteries where there is no certain evidence of their presence. Where the sacred writers of the New Testament quote passages from the Old, and apply them to our Lord, we not only may but should follow them. And I am ready to grant there may be many other passages equally applicable to him with those they have quoted, which are not thus applied. Indeed, He is the sum and substance of the whole Scripture. His spoke by his Spirit in the prophets; and himself was the subject of their declarations. See our Lord's saying, Luke 24:44.
His name shall endure for ever - Margin, as in Hebrew, “Shall be forever;” that is, “He” shall endure forever.
His name shall be continued as long as the sun - As long as that continues to shine - an expression designed to express perpetuity. See the notes at Psalm 72:5. The margin here is, “shall be as a son to continue his father‘s name forever.” The Hebrew word - נון nûn - means “to sprout, to put forth;” and hence, to “flourish.” The idea is that of a tree which continues always to sprout, or put forth leaves, branches, blossoms; or, which never dies.
And men shall be blessed in him - See Genesis 12:3; Genesis 22:18. He will be a source of blessing to them, in the pardon of sin; in happiness; in peace; in salvation.
All nations shall call him blessed - Shall praise him; shall speak of him as the source of their highest comforts, joys, and hopes. See Luke 19:38; Matthew 21:9; Matthew 23:39. The time will come when all the nations of the earth will honor and praise him.
“I have sworn unto David My servant ... with whom My hand shall be established: Mine arm also shall strengthen him.... My faithfulness and My mercy shall be with him: and in My name shall his horn be exalted. I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers. He shall cry unto Me, Thou art my Father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation. Also I will make him My first-born, higher than the kings of the earth. My mercy will I keep for him forevermore, and My covenant shall stand fast with him.” Psalm 89:3-28. PP 755.1
“His seed also will I make to endure forever,
And his throne as the days of heaven.” Psalm 89:29.
PP 755.2
“He shall judge the poor of the people,
He shall save the children of the needy,
And shall break in pieces the oppressor.
They shall fear thee while the sun endureth,
And so long as the moon, throughout all generations....
In his days shall the righteous flourish;
And abundance of peace, till the moon be no more.
He shall have dominion also from sea to sea,
And from the river unto the ends of the earth.”
“His name shall endure forever:
His name shall be continued as long as the sun:
And men shall be blessed in him:
All nations shall call him blessed.”
PP 755.3