I said in my haste - Not duly adverting to the promise of God, I was led to conclude that my enemies were so strong, so numerous, and had so many advantages against me, that I must necessarily fall into and by their hands; however, I continued to pray, and thou didst hear the voice of my supplication.
For I said in my haste - In my fear; my apprehension. The word rendered “haste” means properly that terror or alarm which causes one to flee, or to endeavor to escape. It is not “haste” in the sense of an opinion formed too quickly, or formed rashly; it is “haste” in the sense of terror leading to sudden flight, or an effort to escape. See an illustration of this idea in the case of David himself, in 1 Samuel 23:26.
I am cut off - That is, I shall certainly be cut off or destroyed.
From before thine eyes - Either, in thy very presence; or, so that I shall not be admitted into thy presence. I shall be cut down, and suffered no more to come before thee to worship thee. Compare the notes at Psalm 6:5.
Nevertheless thou heardest - Contrary to my apprehensions, I was heard and delivered. God‘s mercy went beyond the psalmist‘s faith - as it often does to His people now, far beyond what they hope for; far beyond what they even pray for; far beyond what they believe to be possible; so far beyond all this, as to make the result, as in the case of David Psalm 31:21, a matter of wonder and astonishment.