Under his vine and under his fig tree - A proverbial expression, indicative of perfect peace, security, and rural comfort. See on Isaiah 2:1; (note). This verse is an addition to the prophecy as it stands in Isaiah. See Clarke on Micah 4:1; (note).
But - And
They shall sit every man, under his vine and under his fig-tree - Palestine was a home of the vine and the fig-tree. Vineyards were a common property, possessed by all but the very poor, or even by them Nehemiah 5:4; Jeremiah 39:10. The land was “a land of bread and vineyards” 2 Kings 18:32. The vine was the emblem of the people, in Psalmists and prophets (Psalm 80:8 ff; Isaiah 3:14; Isaiah 5:1 ff; Isaiah 27:2; Jeremiah 2:21; Jeremiah 12:10; Ezekiel 15:1-8; Ezekiel 17:5-10; Ezekiel 19:10; Hosea 10:1). The bunch of grapes or the vine-leaf appear as characteristic emblems on Jewish coins, chiefly in the times of their revolts under Vespasian and Hadrian. The fig is also mentioned as part of the characteristic fruitfulness of Palestine Deuteronomy 8:8.
It too was an universal property 2 Kings 18:32. Both formed natural arbors; the fig had its name probably from its length, the vine from the arch made by its drooping boughs. Both formed, in those hot countries, a grateful shade. The vine, rising with its single stem, was spread over trellis-work or by props, so as to enclose a considerable space. Even in Italy, a single vine shaded a portico. In Palestine it grew by the walls of the house Psalm 128:3.
Rabbis relate how their forefathers sat and studied under the fig-tree, as Nathanael was doubtless meditating or praying under one, when Jesus, being God, saw him John 1:48. It exhibits a picture of domestic peace, each family gathered in harmony and rest under the protection of God, each content with what they have, neither coveting another‘s, nor disturbed in their own. Wine is explained in Holy Scripture to be an emblem of gladness, and the fig of sweetness. Cyril: “For exceeding sweet is the word of the Saviour, and it knoweth how to gladden man‘s heart; sweet also and full of joy is the hope of the future, wherewith we are enriched in Christ.
Such had been Israel‘s lot in the peaceful days of Solomon 1 Kings 4:25, the peace of whose times had already been made the image of the Gospel Matthew 12:42, had made her kingdom to be selected as an emblem of those who should fall down before Christ and serve Him Psalm 60:12:10-11. Lap.: “Such is that most quiet fearlessness which the law of Christ bringeth, as being the law of charity, peace, and concord.”
And none shall make them afraid - o“Neither man, nor devil; for the Lord hath given us power to “tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and said, nothing shall by any means hurt you” Luke 10:19, and bade us, “fear not them which kill the body” Matthew 10:28. Witness the might which He gave to His Apostles and Martyrs.
For the mouth of the Lord of Host hath spoken it - The prophets often add this, when what they say, seems, for its greatness, past belief Yet it will be, because He hath spoken it, “the Lord” who changeth not, “the Lord of Hosts,” to whose commands all creatures are subject, whose word is truth with whom to speak is to do.