My righteousness I hold fast - I stand firmly on this ground; I have endeavored to live an upright life, and my afflictions are not the consequence of my sins.
My heart shall not reproach me - I shall take care so to live that I shall have a conscience void of offense before God and man. "Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God;" 1 John 3:21. This seems to be Job's meaning.
My righteousness I hold fast - I hold on to the consciousness of integrity and uprightness. I cannot, will not, part with that. Job had lost his property, his health, and his domestic comforts, but he had in all this one consolation - he felt that he was sincere. He had been subjected to calamity by God as if he were a wicked man, but still he was resolved to adhere to the consciousness of his uprightness. Property may leave a man; friends may forsake him; children may die; disease may attack him; slander may assail him; and death may approach him; but still he may have in his bosom one unfailing source of consolation; he may have the consciousness that his aim has been right and pure. That nothing can shake; of that, no storms or tempests, no malignant foe, no losses or disappointment, no ridicule or calumny, can deprive him.
My heart shall not reproach me - That is, as being insincere, false, hollow.
So long as I live - Margin, “from my days.” So the Hebrew - מימי mı̂yāmāy Vulgate in omni vita mea. Septuagint, “I am not conscious to myself of having done anything amiss” - ἄτοπα τράξας atopa pracas compare the notes at 1 Corinthians 4:4. The idea is, that he had a consciousness of integrity, and that he meant to maintain it as long as he lived.
My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit.... My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live. Job 27:4-6. TMK 140.1
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