Covenant of peace - See this explained Ezekiel 34:25; (note).
A prophecy of the reunion of Israel and Judah, the incorporation of Israel under one Ruler, the kingdom of Messiah upon earth and in heaven.
Ezekiel 37:16
One stick - So in the marginal reference the names of the tribes had been written on rods or sticks.
For Judah - To the house of David had remained faithful, not only Judah, but also Benjamin, Levi, and part of Simeon, and individual members of various tribes 2 Chronicles 11:12-16. Compare the marginal references.
Joseph Ephraim - Compare Psalm 78:67; Hosea 5:5 ff “Joseph” is the general name here for the ten tribes, including “Ephraim,” the chief tribe, and his companions. Omit “for” before “all.” “All the house of Israel” is here the ten tribes.
Ezekiel 37:19
In the hand of Ephraim - Because Ephraim was the ruling tribe; the words are contrasted with “in mine hand.”
Ezekiel 37:20
This sign was literally enacted in the presence of the people, not, like some signs, merely in vision (see the Ezekiel 3:1 note).
Ezekiel 37:21
The gathering together of the children of Israel was to take effect in the first place in the return from Babylon, when the distinction of Israel and Judah should cease. The full completion concerns times still future, when all Israel shall come in to acknowledge the rule of Christ.
Ezekiel 37:22
One king - The restoration of Israel to their native soil will lead the way to the coming of the promised King, the Son of David, who will gather into His kingdom the true Israel, all who shall by faith be acknowledged as the Israel of God. The reign of the One King David is the reign of Christ in His kingdom, the Church.
Ezekiel 37:25, Ezekiel 37:26
An enlargement of the promises. The kingdom is to be “forever,” the covenant “everlasting.” This looks forward to the consummation of all God‘s promises 1 Corinthians 15:24, 1 Corinthians 15:28.
Ezekiel 37:27
This gives a final blessing reserved for God‘s accepted servants. The tabernacle and temple were outward symbols of His presence. The re-erection of the temple by Zerubbabel was the first step to a restoration of the presence of God. The second step was the presence of Christ, first in the flesh, then in His Church, and finally the eternal presence of God and of the Lamb in the New Jerusalem Revelation 21.
[Battle Creek, Michigan] Sabbath, January 1, 1859—Attended Preaching, a Baptism, and the Ordinances—It is the commencement of the new year. The Lord gave James liberty Sabbath afternoon in preaching upon the necessary preparation for baptism, and to partake of the Lord's Supper. There was much feeling in the congregation. At intermission, all repaired to the water, where seven followed their Lord in baptism. It was a powerful season and of the deepest interest. Two little sisters about eleven years old were baptized. One, Cornelia C., prayed in the water to be kept unspotted from the world. 3SM 261.1
In the eve the church followed the example of their Lord and washed one another's feet, and then partook of the Lord's Supper. There was rejoicing and weeping in that house. The place was awful, and yet glorious, on account of the presence of the Lord.—Manuscript 5, 1859. 3SM 261.2
[Otsego, Michigan] Sabbath, January 8, 1859—Traveled to Meeting by Sleigh and Spoke Some—It is the holy Sabbath. May we honor and glorify God today. We went with Brother Leighton in his sleigh to Otsego, four miles. It was very cold; could hardly keep comfortable. Found the meetinghouse not very warm. All were so cold. Must take time to get warm. Brother Loughborough preached upon the judgment. Then I said a few words. Not very free. Then the church readily gave in their testimonies.—Manuscript 5, 1859. 3SM 261.3
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