The people - All that have power or authority have abused it; vexed and oppressed the poor, the needy, and the stranger.
The sixth word of judgment. The special sins of princes, priests, and people.
Ezekiel 22:26
Violated - Better as in margin; to offer “violence” to the Law is to misinterpret it. It was the special office of the priests to keep up the distinction between “holy” and “unholy,” “clean” and “unclean” Leviticus 10:10.
Ezekiel 22:28
See the marginal reference note.
Ezekiel 22:30
The land might be said to perish for the lack of such interpositions as saved their forefathers when Moses “stood in the gap.” This was a proof of the general corruption, that there was not in the city sufficient righteousness to save it from utter destruction. Prince, prophet, priest, all fail.
The royalty was placed at the lowest figure. Then this confederacy held this example up as a rule for others. Warnings were given me that all this was the working out of a system of oppression and robbery, and that the whole institution was leavened throughout with corrupt principles, that the light of God was fast departing from all who were engaged in this confederacy. God sanctioned none of this spirit. He could not place His signature upon this devising. He would forsake these men, remove His Spirit from those who entered upon this course, and the glory of His presence would depart from them. PM 150.1
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